Caspio Offers Online Database Training for Investigative Reporters at IRE 2013
June 7, 2013
In conjunction with the Investigative Reporters & Editors (IRE), Caspio will offer free training sessions at the 2013 IRE annual conference on June 20 in San Antonio, Texas. Several training classes will be presented at the event for attendees to gain hands-on experience about rapid data publishing and the new Caspio map mashup wizard. Plus, IRE conference goers will get a sneak peek at Caspio 8.0, our upcoming major product release.
We understand the importance of data to investigative reporters, and we have designed the sessions to be packed with useful information that best facilitates database journalism. Some of the topics covered in these hands-on training classes include:
- Build interactive and searchable web apps with public data set such as U.S. Census, crime reports, health inspections, etc. and embed to your news web site or blog;
- Integrate an online database application with Google maps and add custom icons and filters;
- Capture geo-location data from web and mobile devices to simplify mapping.
Seats are filling fast! We encourage you to register now to reserve your space.
We will also have a few of our staff present at the conference. Feel free to stop by and chat about your next project.