Caspio Blog

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Navigate Recruiting Management in the New Normal With This Free HR App

How challenging can recruiting management get nowadays? Consider this: layoffs flood the market with more job hunters competing for the same positions. Many businesses cautiously hold off on their hiring plans. Others ramp up efforts to gain fresh talent and s...

Use a No-Code Appointment Scheduling App to Ensure Workplace Safety in 2021

As the New Year starts and governments roll out vaccination plans, businesses are gaining confidence to reopen workplaces to both employees and customers. But make no mistake — the risk of infection remains high. That’s why it’s essential to manage the f...

How National Mortgage Company Keeps the American Dream Alive With No Code

Owning a home is the embodiment of the American Dream. However, purchasing real estate property requires a considerable sum, and not everyone has the resources to pay upfront for houses. That’s why a bank loan specifically designed to help families own a hom...

The Top 5 Most Requested Apps of 2020

No-code is fast. But to help our customers launch urgent apps even faster, we created RMAs or ready-made applications. The apps are free to download, highly customizable and easy to deploy. We received a record number of requests for RMAs this year as business...

How to Build an Online Store Without Coding:
Easy Step-by-Step Guide

COVID-19 is changing people’s shopping habits. For example, 73% of grocery consumers in the U.S. are shopping less in person, according to a study by C+R Research. Payments technology company Visa had similar findings. Eight in 10 global consumers have chang...

Build Feature-Rich Web Applications Without CodingGet Started For Free

How Information Management Firm Secures Online Data Access for Clients

Managing unstructured data is costly. You have to consolidate and make sense of numbers, text, images, audio and other data formats. But it gets worse: most teams within an organization have varying account structures, naming conventions and file storage optio...

How COVID-19 Changed the Role of CIOs

At the start of 2020, technology initiatives were beaming with possibilities. Almost 60% of IT leaders expected their budgets to increase over the next 12 months, with only 7% anticipating a budget decline. Two months later, the coronavirus pandemic emerged an...

Caspio Opens New Data Center in Canada

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Canadian data center! This investment furthers Caspio’s commitment to meet the security and compliance requirements of our growing global customer base. With the new data center, we’re enabling our Canad...

The Risks of Using Excel for Data Management, and How to Avoid Them

Nearly 16,000 COVID-19 cases went unreported recently in England, delaying efforts to trace those who tested positive for the coronavirus and potentially endangering numerous lives. How did this happen? It all came down to a limitation of Microsoft Excel and i...

Knowledge Base Blunders: 4 Costly Mistakes That Sabotage Team Productivity

Time lost has a corresponding cost, and it’s not cheap. According to an IDC survey, Fortune 500 companies lose a combined $31.5 billion annually from employees failing to share knowledge effectively. In short, your team lags in productivity and your organiza...

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