Build a Custom CRM


Welcome to our ultimate video guide on building a custom CRM app. This video series will cover some of the basic and intermediate functionalities within the Caspio platform.

Here you will learn how to build an entry level application that’s really meant for first time users. For more advanced concepts and features, you can browse our library of articles and videos inside our Resource Center and Knowledge Base.

Summarized Video Transcript

Part 1 will give you a quick overview of the app, so you know exactly what we plan on developing.

Inside this simple CRM application, we chose to develop an app that has two user levels: We can log in as an employee or a sales rep, or as a manager.

Keep in mind that the Caspio platform allows you to build more sophisticated user-level management workflows. But for the sake of this training, we opted to keep things simple. Here’s an overview of what you’ll see in the employee dashboard:

  • The employee’s sales funnel
  • Their entire pipeline broken down in four stages
  • A report that groups all their potential leads in each stage
  • The ability to input new leads, set the stage and input lead size via a form
  • The ability to search leads based on some criteria
  • A report that has a stacked bar chart broken down based on stage

Now, let’s look at what the manager can see once they sign into their dashboard:

  • The company’s sales funnel also broken down in four stages
  • An aggregate of all the employees inputting their sales leads and revenue
  • A report that lists all the employees supervised by the manager
  • The ability to expand and collapse the stages of any employee
  • The ability to select leads and quickly reassign them to other employees
  • The ability to drill into details of each lead and make changes
  • The ability to add a new sales rep to the team
  • The ability to manage reps by drilling into details and making changes to their information

See You in the Next Video!

Join us in the next video where we’ll teach you how to develop the necessary database tables that will serve as the foundation of your simple CRM app.

Next Steps

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